Saturday, 23 July 2011

First year - done!

Well, that's it, my first year is over. No longer can I hide behind my mentor when I get things wrong!! Scary!! But I have a had a brilliant year. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and actually, secretly, I am kind of looking forward to September already...

People keep asking me what I have learnt this year, and I think that is the most difficult question to answer - not because I haven't learnt much - quite the opposite! I have learnt so many valuable lessons that I don't know where to begin!

My favourite bits have been:

Developping some really nice relationships with some great classes - and I get to keep lots of them next year too :)

Getting to about February and things feeling like they were slowly beginning to 'click' into place

Experimenting lots with all sorts of different creative teaching and learning techniques

Getting on Twitter and learning soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much from some very inspirational and helpful people

BLOGGING - thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on things I have done and sharing them on here (even if not many people read it ever!!)

Things I have struggled to enjoy as much:

It has taken me a while (and I am still not there yet) to learn not to take things personally. I still struggle a little bit with those very rare but hurtful remarks from individuals - despite fully understanding that they are not really meant to hurt me.

Time management - will I ever get good at this??? (Haha)

OfSTED - actually I enjoyed it on the second day but the first day was very scary!!

Not having my own classroom - I had to teach in 10 different rooms!!!! (Sadly THS was due a New Build, which was cancelled) But now I have one and I love it :) :) :) :)

So here's to a new year - better get my thinking cap on to come up with some more experiments before then!!

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