Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Edmodo usage

If you look at my earlier post about Edmodo, you will see that year 8 were completely head over heels in love with it at one time. They still love it... most of the time!

I questionned them recently on their opinions of Edmodo and this is the result of that.

  • The vast majority of pupils (all bar one) said that they liked Edmodo 
  • The vast majority of pupils (all bar two) said that they prefered using Edmodo to do their homework 
  • The majority (about 70%) said that they prefered using Edmodo to 'normal' lessons
  • All pupils said that they were happier to use both Edmodo AND their exercise books rather than just Edmodo - the reson for this being that they found it easier to revise from their exercise books than on a computer screen
We had a little break from Edmodo as part of the experiment and all pupils still feel much the same. So, now we are going to do just as they suggested - use exercise books to record vocab and simple exercises, and use Edmodo for uploading homeworks and bigger class work exercises. 

Day 4 of iPods project

Woohoo!! Felling much better about it now that the groups have started recording and I can the fruits of their (and my) labours. 3 out of 7 group have now created something - it isn't perfect and they are learning things like 'if you record in a windy part of the school you won't be able to hear your voices' and 'if you try to record outside somebody classroom, you will be politely asked to go away' (both things that I warned them of prior to letting them go!!). But every cloud has a silver lining and this is the perfect opportunity to teach them how to edit their videos and sound clips using iMovie, something that the pupils claim never to have come across. That is a very exciting and I can't wait to get started with that.

So next lesson, they will be finishing their recordings and I will be starting to teach them about editing.

Still no joy with my blog access permissions :( ... think that this time I am just going to have to do all the uploading for them. Shame as I wanted the blog to be theirs, but nevermind!!!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Issues so far

So far I have come accross a few stumbling blocks. This is OK as I am aware that my project is a complete experiment, and that is what experiments are for! Hopefully I will learn from them so that next time things will run a lot more smoothly.

1. Things are running a lot less quickly than I was expecting them to. I am still not entirely sure why this is. I am thinking that perhaps next time I need to give pupils some more support initially so that things don't keep going wrong for them!!

2. The German being produced is of a good standard (generally speaking) but a lot of the groups have chosen the same topic (meeting people) and tried to cram a bit too much in. Next time I think I will give each group their topics to avoid this.

3. I think that perhaps it would be good if I had a bit more of a solid structure with more definite ideas of what I would like them to do each lesson. This is hard at the moment, because we are in the experimental stages, and again this will be a lot easier to do next time when I will know exactly how long things will take and what issue might crop up!!

4. For some reason, depsite having added everyone's email addresses to their blog, they are unable to write!! I have enabled them to be authors and shown them how to do it... So there is nothing on the blog yet which is a real pain and they are getting a bit frustrated. Thing I will have to start again with that one! I destroyed the paper with their email addresses on it for confidentiality/child protection reasons so I shall have to ask them all again...

So apart fprm all the above things are running fine. Hectically, but fine.

Days 1,2,3

So far this is how far we have got:

  • I have taught all pupils how to use an iPod. This was interesting. I asked the class first of all how many of them knew how to use an iPod, and the vast majority of them put up their hands. I believed them, and then was very surprised by how many of them were still getting simple things wrong. Lesson learnt: Do not take for granted that pupils know how to use technology!!!!!  
  • All pupils have been introduced to the App "Puppet Pals" and know how to use it. This is a simple App that allows the user to create 'puppet shows' on an iPod with voice-overs.
  • They have all planned out what they would like to include in their revision guides.
  • All the German has been scripted by them and then checked by me.
Some pupils have also already started taking some shots that they would like to use. All pupils should be ready next lesson to start filming.

Once this is done (hopefully it shouldn't take longer than a lesson and a half..., I will give them a quick lesson on note taking (another importnat skill) and then expect them to take notes while I teach them how to use iMovie.

iPod German project

At the moment I am working on a project with year nine. They have finished their FCSE exams and their official SOW for the year and they now have a bit of what I call ‘free-learning time’. I have about 5 weeks with them where they are still in German lessons, they have finished everything that they have to do in year nine but still need to be learning language. The class is a top set and about half of them are continuing with German at GCSE either next year or the year after.

The project:
·         Pupils will have their own blog for uploading their work, asking questions, starting learning conversations.
·         In the next 5 weeks they will be expected to produce revision materials for future year nine classes to use when they are doing their FCSEs.
·         They have been given a range of tools to work with, including iPods, video cameras, laptops, and a couple of Apps.
·         Each group has chosen a couple of themes to work with – the pupils taking German next year have been told that there must be a focus on grammar topics that they will also find useful next year.
Reasons for the project:
·         For pupils to become more motivated in language lessons.
·         I think it would be useful for future year nine pupils to have some learning resources that have been created by their peers.   
·         It is important that those taking German next year continue to learn as much as they can in terms of vocabulary and grammar – this can become increasingly difficult for a teacher to manage as the ‘non-linguists’ in class become more and more disengaged towards the end of year nine.
·         Technology is something that I feel it is important to experiment with in all subjects in order to keep learning relevant and ‘skill – orientated’. The majority of pupils will undoubtedly find themselves in jobs where they are using technology in the future and so it is important that they gain the necessary skills for this in school. Equally it is a way of showing pupils how school subjects do fit into a modern way of life and making the subjects relevant to them.