Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Day 4 of iPods project

Woohoo!! Felling much better about it now that the groups have started recording and I can the fruits of their (and my) labours. 3 out of 7 group have now created something - it isn't perfect and they are learning things like 'if you record in a windy part of the school you won't be able to hear your voices' and 'if you try to record outside somebody classroom, you will be politely asked to go away' (both things that I warned them of prior to letting them go!!). But every cloud has a silver lining and this is the perfect opportunity to teach them how to edit their videos and sound clips using iMovie, something that the pupils claim never to have come across. That is a very exciting and I can't wait to get started with that.

So next lesson, they will be finishing their recordings and I will be starting to teach them about editing.

Still no joy with my blog access permissions :( ... think that this time I am just going to have to do all the uploading for them. Shame as I wanted the blog to be theirs, but nevermind!!!

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