Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Edmodo usage

If you look at my earlier post about Edmodo, you will see that year 8 were completely head over heels in love with it at one time. They still love it... most of the time!

I questionned them recently on their opinions of Edmodo and this is the result of that.

  • The vast majority of pupils (all bar one) said that they liked Edmodo 
  • The vast majority of pupils (all bar two) said that they prefered using Edmodo to do their homework 
  • The majority (about 70%) said that they prefered using Edmodo to 'normal' lessons
  • All pupils said that they were happier to use both Edmodo AND their exercise books rather than just Edmodo - the reson for this being that they found it easier to revise from their exercise books than on a computer screen
We had a little break from Edmodo as part of the experiment and all pupils still feel much the same. So, now we are going to do just as they suggested - use exercise books to record vocab and simple exercises, and use Edmodo for uploading homeworks and bigger class work exercises. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that's really interesting, and bears out some of my thinking about success coming through blending technologies. I suspect one of the barriers that some people put up when the use of technologies for learning is that there is a perception that this 'new' technology is going to be the only tool available. And that's not the case of course...
